韓國藝術家李慶美個人展覽 「無論何處,都是我們的天堂」
Here or nowhere
is our heaven
Lee Kyoungmi Macau Solo Exhibition
is our heaven
Lee Kyoungmi Macau Solo Exhibition
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Humarish Club 本次展出韓國藝術家李慶美女士的系列作品, 舉辦個人展覽「無論何處都是我們的天堂」。 |
藝術家以愛貓入畫及繪於樺木板上的桌上街景系列油畫聞名, 在韓國求學的日子,以及在德國和美國旅居的經歷給予她無窮的創作靈感。 藝術家從自身情感和生命印跡出發,結合對遠方和未來的寄望和想像,堆疊時光, 從中穿插各種符號與象徵,其細膩又寫實的筆觸以超現實的風格 展現出藝術家別出心裁的巧思以及對畫面的掌控力, 創作出具有獨特視角的超現實景觀。 |
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李慶美 Lee Kyoungmi | ||||||
1977出生於韓國,2006年於首爾弘益大學繪畫系取得藝術創作碩士學位。曾旅居德國與美國多年,現居住及創作於韓國首爾。 | |||||||
2000年及2004年分別學士畢業於首爾弘益大學繪畫系及版畫系,2006年於同校繪畫系取得藝術創作碩士學位。曾旅居德國與美國多年,現居住及創作於韓國首爾。 她的創作在國內外獲得廣泛認可,在2019年韓國第24屆Sukju藝術獎獲冠軍,並在2003年韓國中央美術比賽、2002年韓國檀園藝術節及韓國申師任堂藝術大賽中獲獎。 在她的藝術創作生涯中,她舉辦過三十個個人展覽,參加過超過四十個藝術群展。她多產的創作,同時被很多機構喜愛,目前獲收藏於韓國國立現代美術館、寶龍美術館、韓國高陽兒童博物館、水原地方法院、京畿藝術基金會、Nowon文化藝術基金會、CNCITY共享能源基金會、SOOHO共享基金會、樂天酒店L7海雲台及高陽Yojin Y-city等。 |
• 開幕典禮:2024年9月20日(星期五)16: 00
• 展覽日期及時間:2024年9月21日至 10月13日
(星期一至星期日)12 : 00 – 20 : 00
• 展覽地點:Humarish Club 藝術空間
(澳門路氹溜冰路澳門葡京人L01樓H853 Fun Factory 娛樂廠R68號舖)
Here or nowhere
is our heaven
Lee Kyoungmi Macau Solo Exhibition
“Cats often take center stage in the works of Lee Kyoungmi.
They represent her family, friends, solace, and yearning. Sometimes, they even embody Lee herself.”
Exhibition Details
•Opening Ceremony:20 September 2024 (Friday) 16:00
•Exhibition Period:21 September - 13 October 2024
(Monday to Sunday) 12:00 - 20:00
•Venue:Humarish Club (Lisboeta Macau H853 Fun Factory Shop R68)
•Admission:Free admission for general public
Here or nowhere
is our heaven
Lee Kyoungmi Macau Solo Exhibition
“Cats often take center stage in the works of Lee Kyoungmi.
They represent her family, friends, solace, and yearning. Sometimes, they even embody Lee herself.”
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Humarish Club will display a series of works by Korean artist Ms. Lee Kyoungmi and hold a solo exhibition “Here, or nowhere is our heaven”. |
The artist is famous for her love of cats and her series of oil paintings of “street scenes on the table” painted on birch boards. Her time studying in Korea, as well as her experiences living in Germany and the United States, have provided her with boundless creative inspiration. Starting from her own emotions and life experiences, the artist combines hopes and imaginings for the future. Drawing from her personal narrative, she layers time and intertwines various symbols and metaphors to create surreal landscapes from a unique perspective. Her delicate and realistic brushwork shows the artist's unique ingenuity and control over the painting in a surreal style. |
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Lee Kyoungmi |
Lee Kyoungmi was born in South Korea in 1977. She obtained her bachelor's degree in painting and printmaking from Hong-Ik University in Seoul in 2000 and 2004 respectively, and a Master's degree in Painting from the same university in 2006. She has lived in Germany and the United States for several years and currently lives and works in Seoul, South Korea. Her work has received wide recognition both domestically and internationally. In 2019, she won the championship at the 24th Sukju Art Awards in Seoul, South Korea. She has also won awards at the 2003 JoongAng Fine Art Contest, the 2002 DanwonArt Festival, and the Shinsaimdang Arts Contest. Throughout her artistic career, she has held over thirty solo exhibitions and participated in more than forty group art exhibitions. Her prolific creations are well-loved by many institutions and associations. Currently, her work is collected by the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Korea, Powerlong Museum of Shanghai, Goyang Children's Museum of Korea, Suwon District Court, Gyung-gi Art Foundation, Nowon Foundation for Art and Culture, CNCITY Nanum EnergyFoundation, SOOHO Nanum Foundation, Lotte hotel L7 Haeundae and Yojin Y-city Goyang. |
Exhibition Details
•Opening Ceremony:20 September 2024 (Friday) 16:00
•Exhibition Period:21 September - 13 October 2024
(Monday to Sunday) 12:00 - 20:00
•Venue:Humarish Club (Lisboeta Macau H853 Fun Factory Shop R68)
•Admission:Free admission for general public